You’ve built your dream app, and the pre-launch hype is off the charts! It’s now live in the App Store and Google Play and you’re just waiting for those five star reviews to start rolling in, but…

They’re not.

So what happens now?

How do you keep that post-launch hype going?

Staying power and a five star-rating for your mobile app is very important for long term audience building and retention. For your app to reach its full potential as well as a wider audience, your work is really just beginning.

This is because Google and Apple want people to download great apps. The review and rating system is their way of giving users a chance to size up an app before downloading it. In some of the most competitive app markets, a handful of negative reviews are enough to tank an app’s download numbers.

We’ve built plenty of apps that have generated a five-star rating and won awards. The opportunity to study the habits and strategies of other successful makers has helped us uncovered some powerful tactics for generating and sustaining positive reviews.

This infographic will quickly show you our proven in-app tactics, how to prevent that post hype cool off, and increase your positive reviews.

Let this handy infographic help you see those stars and fuel your app into success:

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